Tonight we begin the run of the last 10 shows of our tour.
Tonight’s show is at the Lynn Auditorium, outside Boston. Some history on the city later.
The most important part of soundcheck; when we see a menu to decide what we’ll order for after the show!
Oh oh… aliens have come for Nick. (He’s weighing his options… they might need a good monitor engineer.)
They’re signalling Thomas to tune the guitar D E C low C G…..
This morning in Boston I had breakfast with an old friend from when I lived here. I mentioned that I’d never played in Lynn before, and he replied, oh no, we played there together, a Sunday park concert with a concert band, back in high school. I played tuba, he conducted. We did the math, and that was, shudder, 60 years ago!
Ready for the show now, this is I guess what you’d call an art shot…
and this is what you wouldn’t call art.
Waiting Man begins. Nick, Danny, Joe, Adrian, Randy
Very nice show - great audience, good sound. I will try to return here before 60 more years go by!
Next, we travel to Atlantic City for our show there tomorrow.
More soon.