Today’s show is out of the ordinary from when we arrive. It’ll be videoed, recorded, and live-streamed, so there’s film equipment outside, before we’re even in the theater
and in the remote recording truck, a long time friend, Bob Clearmountain is here to do the mixing.
The United Theater on Broadway is as spectacular looking as ever
In a change from my usual presenting the photos in order, here are a few special moments I caught during the night:
That last one is right after the show, taken by our stage mgr, Randy Walker. You can see, we’re pretty stoked, cause it was a great show.
Back at soundcheck:
Later, we’re in stage gear and people are coming in
we can check out the video monitors
and we have our fist thing to do
And, here we go
I see that for the live broadcast they’re adding some previous band footage to show in the intermission
The usual reminder that clicking on any photo takes you to a larger version, and clicking again to a still larger one
Aftershow, a greeting from Rhett Davies, who produced the Discipline and Beat albums we were playing tonight
Steve Vai takes my camera for a band selfie
and a shot of me
It was a great night for us, as I hope you can see from the photos. We’ll find out in the next few days whether the live stream production caught it all well.
Now, the first break in the tour. Actually this was originally to be the end of the tour, but when the shows sold better than expected, a second tour leg was booked. So we’ll go home for a few days, and a week from now we’ll be back in L.A. to begin another swing around the country.
While I’m home I plan to put together a page of my favorite pics from the tour so far. That’ll be next, and then… more!