The Beat Tour 2024

Dallas Show

Great show in Dallas. Got some more unusual photos for you in this update.

The above picture is by photographer Mike Skillsky and is from a few shows back on the tour.

(I do realize I’m looking a bit like Colonel Kurtz!)

The Majestic Theater

After soundcheck, got a little laundry done at the venue, then, after meeting some VIP ticket holders, it’s time in the dressing room

and choosing lenses for the show

Looks like folks are almost seated… time to assemble behind the stage

Some interesting manouvers behind the stage…

I think we’re bumping fists… not sure, it’s dark back here!

and, we're on

This show has an intermission. Just 15 minutes, so not time to get into much backstage…

...and, the encores

And, during the bows, a great shot by Randy Walker, our stage mgr.

After show, it’s always a treat for me when in Dallas to see Andy Moore, my former bass tech, including back in the 80’s when we toured this same music.

And he’s the one who actually made the first funk fingers, and painted my bass yellow!

So once again, Yay Andy!

More soon, from Atlanta