Tonight’s show is in an amazingly ornate theater.
It’s the King’s Theatre, in Brooklyn. Wherever I look there are details wanting to be photographed!
at soundcheck I notice the lighting throws my shadow on a side wall
A few statistics: Tonight is the 56th show of our tour. And this is the 59th web diary page I’ve put up about it - that’s far more than I’ve done for any of my other tours. It’s got about 2,000 pics from the tour - so if things from stage sometimes look repetitive, I’m going to cut myself some slack!
My website has 35 previous tour diaries, going back to 2015, and the ‘archives’ links back to my previous site with, yow, 81 more web diaries of tours, going back to 1997 (about when the term ‘weblog’ was coined.)
Onward, with frenetic fingers, we’re ready to hit the stage:
After intermission, Waiting Man
Looking for yourself in a picture? Click on it to go to the picture alone, then click again for larger version.
Back for the encores, and, hey folks, there I am on the wall…
Thela… always a high point
More bows and drumstick chaos…
Wonderful show, super crowd, and a very special venue.
Next for us, after a travel day, will be Louisville.
More soon.