Playing Boston is always special for me - I’m from here. And, though I can’t recall playing the Shubert Theater before, my first bass teacher, Cross Centamore, was the house bassist at the theater, back when they put on musicals.
(And, while I’m on the subject, you might check out Boston Rocks, one of the pieces on my new album - Earl Slick and Mike Portnoy rock hard on it.)
Anyway, we had a day off before the show - great for walking around, visiting some old familiar sites.
But here at the venue…
Dressing rooms here are, okay, just a tad old
but I’m happy to find I’m dressed right to blend in here
Back upstairs it’s almost time for the show
and another pic for my growing album of “Danny’s blurred sticks pics”
and our usual goings on
hmm… we’re needed to sign something before we go on - unusual to do it on the side of the stage, but why not
Danny’s really good at tossing his sticks out with accuracy
and though I try to get shots of the full scene, it rarely goes right. This pic would look better if Also Sprach Zarathustra were playing…
(a reminder: if you’re in a picture, clicking on it will take you to a larger version you can download)
A rockin’ evening for sure.
More soon.