After our Mexico shows, David left for England, and, back as the trio, Stick Men headed to shows in Dallas, Houston and Austin.
“Sundown @ Granada” is the name of the venue here in Dallas… We’ve played the Granada Theater, and this is a club attached to it.
Some of the audience were seated beside me, just off the stage. I couldn’t help thinking they probably found my pedal switching and monitor adjustments more interesting than my playing. (We each have our own monitor mixer onstage, and with in-ear monitors it makes it easy to have the mix you want, but also leads to a lot of tweaking during the show. Crimson has the same setup, and you’ll see plenty of knob turning at every show.)
Not a bad drive to Houston, and a venue we’ve played before, the Dosey Doe Woodlands.
Decor is memorable.
Another nice show for us. The band is quite tight, as you’d imagine after 17 shows… but we’re missing David and what his violin and keyboard playing brought to the music.
Still, having fun.
Next stop, Austin - Pat’s hometown.
We’ve played the One World Theater before - it’s a very friendly, comfortable venue for both audience and band. With great sound, it’s a fitting place for this last show of the tour.
Well, it’s been quite a tour. Shows in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Mexico and (another country?) Texas!
Got to meet a lot of music fans, which is always special. Got to improve my Spanish a bit, though still could be a lot better. As usual, I’m promising myself that next tour I’ll be more fluent. Got to make very cool music each night, with super musicians, and a lot of it was improvised and unique to the show it happened at. We recorded it all and Markus will be going through those files with an eye to making a live release from them.
Next, it’s Crimson touring for Pat and me, and when we have some more Stick Men tour dates next year, we’ll be sure to announce them online.
Adios for now!