We have two shows in England and one in Wales. The band flew into England from Prague, while Peter drove the van with our gear.
When you’ve done a lot of touring, you start to feel like you’ve seen everything out on the playing circuit. Each of these UK shows was at a venue I hadn’t played, all were quite unique, and proved to me that there’s still a lot I didn’t know about.
First show here was in Wolverhampton - the venue called Robin 2.
I’m not sure I’ve played a venue before that does wakes.
A cool show, and a very nice audience.
And the following morning has Peter doing the usual Tetris game trying to get our gear to fit in the van.
The drive to Cardiff, Wales wasn’t bad.
We’ll be travelling after show to Bristol, where we have hotel rooms tonight, so it ends up a pretty long day.
But again, the venue that greets us is quite different than what we’re used to.
It’s called Acapela Studio, (that’s their spelling,) and clearly was a church at one time. With a cemetery in the back.
I venture back outside for another look at that cemetery
and marvel, as ever, at the signs in Welch
We were blessed with another very good show.
Next day, again not a bad drive, though snow made it longer… the venue is in Fletching, and again it’s a unique one.
Trading Boundaries includes a restaurant, a stage, and multiple rooms with an assortment of home furnishings and other things for sale.
A different kind of show with David joining in. Still some Stick Men pieces, but a few more Crimson ones, and improvs, and David’s “Shades of Starless”.
I got a picture as we were introduced, at start of the show:
A very nice night, indeed, for all involved. We’ll hope to come back here one day.
And so comes to an end this UK segment of our tour. It was quite interesting and a lot of fun.
Early tomorrow (6:30am) we’ll start the roughest segment of the tour - driving to Paris for an evening show there, then early flight the next day to Helsinki and a show that night. Following soon after we’ll be flying Finland to Macedonia for our show there. Yes, the routing is a little crazy, but that’s what got booked.
More soon.