More strange weather here in Italy, as we drive through some snowy areas and backed up highway traffic between Bologna and Rome. But happy to arrive ontime for load-in at Planet Roma, a club I hadn’t played at before.
Some good friends from Rome, and from our summer camp, Christian and Marco helped us loading in.
Marco Machera will be the opening act tonight, playing bass and singing with his friend Eugene.
Markus has given the club our logo to use as a stage backdrop, so things will look pretty cool tonight.
And, in our show, indeed, the backdrop is working well.
A real good night for us. And afterwards, together backstage.
Next, it’s off to Florence - weather not so bad today, just rainy. Briefly checking into our hotel before heading to the club, wow, there is Adrian Belew in the lobby! He’s played the same venue last night with Stewart Copeland and Gizmodrome, their new band.
Here we are at the venue.
Some friends drove quite a way to see us tonight… and brought a nice gift: some Fernet Branca!
Hmm… Viper Theater… seems it was called the Viper Club, when we played here with Crimson ProjeKCt a few years ago.
Wish I’d taken more pictures during the show… but was too busy.
Tomorrow we’ll drive to Milan and play the Blue Note club there. More soon!