Our tour of Europe starts here in Bologna. Most of us arrived this morning, after flying overnight - stopped at the hotel, and then went to a nice local studio where we’d rented a room for some rehearsal time.
Pat and Markus are playing well, as usual,
As always, Robert Frazza is with us to do the sound mixing.
and for the tour, Peter has driven down from Slovakia with his van - he’ll be driving, helping load out, and a lot of other hard work on the tour.
At about 6pm, Robert somehow catches some sleep midst the rehearsal.
And, soon enough, it’s load out time.
After dinner a short walk around town reminds me how much I like being in Bologna, home to the world’s oldest university.
Morning of our show day presents quite a different picture.
The snow is nothing like we’re used to getting in the NorthEast U.S, but in a city that averages 1/10 inch per month in the winter, this is really out of the ordinary.
I’ve got other road diaries of these statues, but today they seem to be saying “Mamma Mia”!
It’s a small stage, and Markus is set so far back he seems to be in the projection for the backdrop.
This is from during the show – he is indeed lit up by the “f” of ‘caffe’! I couldn’t resist getting a shot.
Very nice show, and great to visit Bologna again.
Afterwards, we worked on squeezing our gear into the van, but spent the night here.
Morning - leaving for Rome and our second show.
More soon.