In Aschaffenburg now. The Colos-Saal is a club we’ve played in often, and enjoy being in.
Great to have a few minutes to take a walk in town too.
I didn’t get as many photos today as I like to… will try to make it up tomorrow at the Amsterdam show.
At an interview before soundcheck, I wangled some important information: how the Dutch pronounce the name “Huygens”. I’m not expert yet, but I think I’m closing in on it. Why, you might ask… well, somehow the name of that famous astronomer got to be part of a lyric for a piece I’m doing. And my previous attempts at it didn’t sound right even to me! (If you need to know, my notes say “How … chens, with a soft ‘ch’ ”
Now you can sing along!)
Caught Pat stretching and practicing:
Here in Amsterdam, even the late night load-out is colorful.
Next day we are off flying to Spain for the last 3 shows of the tour. That means leaving our dear Peter and his van… he’ll be missed.
A quick picture before leaving… doesn’t look like a group heading to the 13th country we’ve played in March. We’ve really had a good time.
By the way, getting this group to pose for a photo is not quite herding cats, as it is with some groups, but… here’s one of the many tries to use my camera’s auto delay…
Next for us, after a day travelling, shows in Barcelona, Madrid, and Malaga.
More from there, soon.