Day off in Denver. Peter’s drummer Ged Lynch, and road mgr Dave T. and I decided to rent some motorcycles and have a ride in the countryside outside Denver.
One road lead to another… and we soon found ourselves in the mountains
Okay, my Fernet Branca jacket isn’t what bikers generally wear, but nobody minded
The sign “Icy road ahead” seemed a fair warning that things were going to get chilly.
Then, as trees got shorter and shorter, we reached snow
and a ranger station that had predicted wind chill temperature of 30 (that’s F. not C.) !!
Further up, a little lake we did NOT swim in
By this point (12,800 feet) I was having trouble focussing the camera – it seems my brain needs a bit of oxygen to function. I dubbed it ‘Lake Catchyourbreath’, though it’s real name is Summit Lake, near top of Mount Evans.
The views, of course, made it well worth the trip
A wonderful excursion, with wonderful guys.
Okay, back to work, and tomorrow’s show in Denver.