Peter Gabriel I/O Tour

Cologne Show

Wonderful to be back in Cologne, we (and I) have great history in this lovely city

As with most shows, there was some predictable fun and good music.. and there were some surprising moments.

Here’s the venue – I think it’s among the largest we’ve played.


and I’m still working at soundcheck to get good shots of some of the cool folks I work with

headed backstage
a visit from Nils and Barry from the E Street Band

Our crew work all morning and day, then aftershow will work late into the night tearing down the stage. Not surprising to see them resting a bit as we get ready to go onstage

We're off
Now, if my bass was this curved... that'd be a challenge to play

When we leave the Campfire circle, the logs and chairs need to be quickly removed. Takes quite a few of the crew

A chance for me to look up at the moon

Story of the day: The band was outside our hotel to go to the venue for soundcheck, and a few vans were waiting. Four of us got in the first one - only a 5 min. drive to the venue - but after 10 minutes, the driver asked Don, who was riding in the front seat, if he knew Adam Lambert. ‘No’, he said, and was asked which of us knew Adam. Oh oh… It turned out he was supposed to pick up a different band and he was taking us to the airport! A bit later we were delivered back to the hotel, where a different van was waiting, along with our quite unhappy tour manager. We didn’t stay around to meet the other band.

In every show Peter takes some time to thank the crew, and asks the audience to give them a hand

Some nights, Peter invites the band to the front, to take a band bow

but I didn’t have the camera quite ready, and got some odd shots I hadn’t intended

like this
and this

After leaving stage at the end of Biko, which comes down to just drums, I passed under the large side screen

Out back, a number of folks waiting to get to work on dismantling the stage.

Next we go to Hamburg for our show there.

More soon.