Wonderful being back in Columbus, and at the Nationwide Arena. We were here a lot back in 2016, when it was the site of warm up rehearsals for the tour that year.
Sometimes life presents us with difficult choices. Should I go to the dressing room and see what food is there, or straight to catering and eat something from there? Rough decision.
Outside our dressing room, Josh tries out the guitar he bought back in Pittsburgh
(I couldn’t resist throwing him a quarter… then I heard that the others had considered it too… could be a new career)
Other goings on backstage, some outfit repairs…
Then, a little dinner, and it’s time to go on
Peter enjoys making my intro excruciatingly long!
Then back on for the wondrous Peter-behind-the-screen songs
We leave stage, and come back for encores…
Here’s link to my YouTube video of coming back on with the magical lights in the audience.
(Sorry, you’ll have to click return to get back to this page, we’re working on that.)
Wonderful audience, wonderful show.
More soon.