Wow… did we drive to the wrong venue? This is an arena, not a theater or outdoor concert
No, it’s true, we’re playing tonight at the HEB Center, outside Austin, and it’s a very large venue.
Aargh, troubles again with the keyboard
Meanwhile, in the setlist, something’s popped up that might be fun explaining
A few shows ago, Robert, who fashions each setlist, labelled one piece, which would be a bass only improv, as “Tony Cadenza”. As I feared, the title, sounding like a person’s name, stuck, and has been referred to often since then.
Now, on today’s setlist, Robert is referencing my haiku poems… but whatever he intended, I’m accepting the challenge to arrange at least some of my improv in haiku form. Should be interesting.
Let me say that with these arenas, we expect the show’s sound to be pretty bad.. ringing low end and things like that. But we were very pleasantly surprised by the sound in this venue, seemed from stage to be great. I hope the audience felt the same about what they heard.
Off to Denver next, and a show at the Fiddlers Green Amphitheater.