It’s great to be back in Warsaw, where we’re doing two shows.
We’re playing at the Roma Theatre
and I’m still working on my panorama shots! (click on any picture to get a larger version)
An excellent show for us. Afterwards, I took a late night visit to the old town.
Day two, we’re back at the venue for some soundchecking and rehearsing
Robert’s presented a setlist for tonight that has some pieces we haven’t done in awhile, so we certainly need to run those.
And we happily interrupted things for a bit of birthday celebration for Renee, our wonderful assistant tour manager.
If I change any pedal settings (and I often do tweak them) Michele grabs a photo, so we can re-set them the same at the next venue, in case they get jarred in transit.
Great time, great shows here in Warsaw. And let me add that the fans are quite special here - have been since we started coming to Poland.
Next we’ll go to Berlin for the first of our upcoming outdoor shows. Those will present some new challenges, and opportunities. Should be interesting… stay tuned for more.