Playing at this big rock festival will be an interesting change from our usual shows.
The differences… they started at 5:30am, when our crew had to go to the venue to set up for our 8am soundcheck. Afterwards we’d go back to the hotel because we’re not onstage until 9pm at night.
A nice backstage area greeted us as we arrived. In fact, all the details of this festival are taken care of very well - it’s clearly a professional and succesful one.
Onstage; a large backdrop for us
We’re only allowed a one hour show tonight, less than half what we’re used to playing. Here’s the setlist:
After soundcheck, back to the hotel for breakfast and the afternoon off!
Early evening we headed back, and I had a chance to look around. Pretty different that this morning with just the cleanup crew out here.
Here’s one of the acts on before us.
Hmm… I don’t think this audience has been asked not to use their cellphones during the performance!!
Rock festivals need to be very efficient at the changeover between acts… there’s not a lot of time to change the gear and do a line check to make sure everything’s working. The local crew, and ours, were up to the job.
Time for our show, and the first challenge is getting through the crowd that’s now filled the backstage area!
Even though only an hour long, it was a special show. Excited to be part of this renowned festival, and we got a lot of love from the audience too.
More soon, as we head to Argentina and Chile for the last few shows of this historic tour.