Seems like yesterday we finished our Paris stand (well, it was about a week ago, and a lot of flying since then). And now we’re in Tokyo to tighten the show up in advance of our Japan concerts.
As usual, it’s taking me awhile to adjust to the time change, so you’ll see lots of photos of Tokyo’s night lights, and sunrise over the city.
We’re rehearsing a few days in a recording studio, one we know from our last trip here.
And, of course, starting things off with raised fists seems a good idea.
Gavin has come down with a cold, and when in Japan…
I’d like to share one aspect about learning pieces for the show. For me, when I’m first asked to learn one of the classic Crimson pieces that I don’t know well, or can’t play well (or both!) it’s helpful to write the whole bass part out, and start rehearsals on it by reading the chart.
But, if I stay with that chart, I’ll probably never memorize the piece. So, usually there’s a progression of charts, simplifying sections… and therefore naming them… Crimson pieces aren’t the usual form of verse, verse, chorus, bridge, etc. Far from it.
So, last Spring I wrote out the somewhat full start of the piece now named Larks Tongues pt IV.
and here’s one of the interim charts;
Not sure which of my section names I like the best… maybe ‘Fripp Frenzied 5’s”… or would it be the ‘G-levens’. Or ‘ratatat’ or ‘widdly widdly’… Maybe it’s the descending whole notes I called ‘Eggs dropping’.
The band has a long tradition of falling upon names like these so we can discuss a section with each other… (‘Fairy fingers’ is one we still use for the middle of Vrooom Vrooom.) I have not said at a rehearsal, “Let’s start at the widdly widdly”… but I think they would know what I meant.
Anyway, back at rehearsals, some sights around the room: ‘
And now, back in the hotel, sleepless again…
The first segment of our Japan tour will be four nights in Tokyo’s Orchard Hall. We’ve played there before, and are looking forward to some great shows.
I’ll probably combine a few of those into one diary update, so it’ll be a few days before my next installment.
More then.
Oh gee, look… it’s dawn!