Okay the morning sky here in Mexico City reveals a tad of air pollution… but we’re having an exceptional stay this week. This page has photos from our last two shows, and they’re the last shows of this leg of the King Crimson tour. We’ll then head home, or some to other tours, and then we will re-convene in October for more touring.
In the afternoon there was an unusual power outage at the theater - stage was lit but the rest was dark. We worried how people could get in later, but an advantage: I could go to the dark front lobby and grab some shots of the people outside.
(Notice the abundance of Crimson merch laid out on the sidewalks)
Very cool show, with an assortment of new and creative mistakes from the band!
And another great audience too
Before moving on to the last show here, I’d like to share some pictures of our hard working crew and management. Some of them lurk in dark places during soundcheck and I hadn’t caught them in even one picture from the tour, so I corralled each person for a quick photo.
Now, some pictures from the fifth and final show of our stay here. From the first show, last Friday, the audiences have been exceptional - and the band is playing at it’s best. There is the feeling that this 5 show stand is an important chapter in the history of the band.
Before soundcheck, a glimpse of what the audience sees as they’re seated. And playing as they enter; some extraordinary music composed each day by Robert, played back in surround. Eerie sounds, to be sure - today there are choral voices in there… but what would you expect of King Crimson, the normal thing?
So comes to an end this marvellous week. Tomorrow we’ll head off in different directions - some home to England, some of the crew to other work, (my invaluable bass tech, Michele, is heading to Turkmenistan for a gig there.) I’ll head home to prepare for the upcoming Three of a Perfect Pair camp.
It’s been, as I said, a memorable time here - we’ll see if it somehow influences the future of the band - I have the feeling it will.
I will resume the Crimson tour diary in October, when we hit Austin, TX, but before that I’ll have road diaries from the music camp, and from the Stick Men US/Canada tour in August.
So I can say once again, more soon!