The reception for us here has been amazing. This diary page will cover both our second and third show at the Metropolitan Theater. I’m taking less photos of the guys backstage, because of course we’re doing the same things in the same rooms… but still can’t resist getting some shots, and the audience ones are a must.
For those who are new to the road diary, and or haven’t been to one of the Crimson shows, we ask that the audience not take photos or videos during the show, to make it a better experience for everyone. Fair enough… but that also means I’m not taking my usual pictures from stage during the show. So, like many of the fans, I’m taking as much as I can after the music has ended. And if you’re in the audience and want to try to find yourself, clicking on any of the photos will take you to a bigger version of it.
That was the Saturday show, July 15th. And an exciting show it was.
Now for Sunday’s concert, starting as usual with soundcheck.
Two more marvelous shows. Now we have a day off, then, on Tuesday and Wednesday, two more shows here at the Metropolitan Theater.
More soon.