Taking pictures in Florence is pretty wild. So many striking views, you can just about point your camera anywhere and shoot. Ever hear of Stendahl Syndrome? (suffering from seeing too much beautiful art… it really exists here in Florence!)
Well, I haven’t come down with that, but there’s sure a lot to see, and that’s without stepping into one of the museums.
Our shows will be in Teatro Verdi - as you’d guess, it’s a Classical music venue. I start out the day with a picture of the venue, but also will be trying to catch some more of the elusive folks on the tour whose pictures I never get.
Aha, there’s David Singleton, right in my picture.
After the guys have left the stage, I thought I’d take a shot of each players little area… they’re quite different
Next day, show two here. Only took a quick picture at soundcheck:
But it got me an early hint of the key of the soundscape (Robert’s only about to start creating it.)
Looks like either 10 sharps, which is way off the charts, or it’s atonal. Atonal is good. Whatever note I come in with can’t be wrong… I hope!
A few hours to kill after soundcheck, and I haven’t been to the museum I always try to hit when here: the Accademia Gallery. Much smaller than the other museums, it holds Michaelangelo’s unfinished series of Prisoners (or Captives). My father was an excellent sculptor and these were his favorites to come and see (well, next to the Moses in Rome.) It seems like the subjects are trying to break out of the stone they’re made of.
and really easy to spend some time with these, because most visitors flock to the slightly better known Michaelangelo work further down the hall…
(My memory was that Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite starts off in a perverse key… checking that, I found it to be 7 flats. There you go.)
Well, thanks for hanging in, through what has to be my longest road diary page. Tomorrow we head to Rome, and I’ll leave you with one more picture: Robert taking a selfie with the Florence audience.