Always great to come back to Boston, where I’m from.
I hadn’t played at this venue, the Leader Bank Pavillion, in South Boston, right on the water. After soundcheck I ran out to a place down the street and had some fried clams… to certify that I’m back!
After soundcheck, it’s my turn to speak with the VIP ticket holders… after Robert, that is. He’s a hard act to follow!
Getting dressed for the show now, I found a good use for the mask… kind of looks like the kerchief that’s supposed to be in the jacket pocket. Well, a little.
Oops. I forgot to photograph the setlist at soundcheck. No problem, here’s one for us to study right off the stage, as we wait in the dark there
A lot of emotion for me in tonight’s show - it’s likely the last time King Crimson will play in Boston, and I’ve been part of a lot of special shows here through the years.
From Crimson shows at the Metro, the Orpheum, Colonial Theater, the Bosch / Wang Theater, and out at Great Woods, a lot of special musical experiences.
Aftershow, a bit of a drive for our last bus trip, to Washington D.C. where we’ll play tomorrow night.
More from there.