King Crimson 2018 Uncertain Times Tour

Rome Show2

Our second show at this special venue.

and I was given a tour around one of the 3 theaters in the complex. The one where Classical orchestra concerts are given.

Another very hot outdoor soundcheck for us.
Pat's gear always has some surprises.
Suddenly the wind picks up, and it becomes all about keeping the canopies from flying away.
I'd say we're all glad to see the end of this soundcheck.

Hey, where’d my camera go? I put it down for a second and Dave kindly grabbed a shot with me in it.

It’s a rare thing to see a couple in the audience whom you’ve united in marriage! But that’s the case with Flavia and Christian - it’s a long story, but yes I did marry them, and it’s great to see them up in front at the show.

Not sure how I got that last shot, with my fist up in the air, but anyway it was a great two nights here in Rome.

Tomorrow we’ll head off to the lovely city of Lucca, for a single show in the Piazza Napoleone. It should be very picturesque.

More soon.